If you have followed the last training block that was posted. You are familiar with the concurrent training model that I prefer.
This block will follow a similar pattern, but one hypertrophy emphasis day will now be replaced with a second intensity day.
As testing time comes closer, intensity is prioritized. I am already as big as I’d like to be for this training cycle, so the need for hypertrophy work has decreased.
The block length and frequency will be identical to last training block. You can read the full training overview from Block 1 in the first post in this training log.
You may have noticed that I missed posting quite a few workouts from last block. As gyms reopened in Ohio, my work days went from 8-10 hours to 13-15 hours. This took a few weeks to get used to again!
I titled this log, “Normal Guy Trains for 900” because I am normal genetically, but also because I have normal guy issues that many of you also face daily.
I have two small businesses, Coach at a high school and never want to neglect the responsibilities of being a good husband.
This is all a balancing act, but after settling into a routine I will be posting all sessions beginning with my next training day.
I’ll be sure to include a detailed write up and justification for exercise selection.
Thank you all for reading. I’ll be posting my next session soon.